Deerfield based counseling center dedicated to helping adults, adolescents, couples, and families in need of counseling and clinical psychology.
We offer individual, group, and family therapy in a comforting and healing environment attuned to individual needs. We practice holistic and positive approach focusing on human strengths and inner capacities to improve psychological well-being and facilitate personal growth.
Psychological Counseling Center prowadzi otwartą grupę w języku polskim kierowaną szczególnie do osób zmagających się z trudną sytuacją życiową oraz depresją. Spotkania odbywają się w godzinach 6-8 pm w każdą środę. Cechuje nas komfortowa atmosfera i absolutna poufność, a wsparcie psychologa i indywidualne podejście do każdego pacjenta sprawiają, że nauka sposobów na sprostanie trudnej sytuacji, życie w zgodzie z samym sobą oraz wychodzenie z depresji przychodzi o wiele łatwiej. W razie jakichkolwiek pytań, zadzwoń do nas lub wyślij email. |
We work with individuals from all walks of life: adults, couples, adolescents, children and families in addressing a variety of challenges such as depression, anxiety, trauma, identity issues, self-esteem, substance abuse, and life transition (i.e. divorce, immigration or illness), family planning, family relationships, and parenting. We are also experienced in doing mental health and substance abuse evaluations for courts and administrative purposes.
Our approach to therapy takes on psychodynamic perspective based on the belief that person must attend to the whole self -mind, body, and environment- to achieve understanding and self-realization. We believe in trusting and professional therapeutic relationship as a base for identifying unconscious conflicts; getting insight, and finally making a change. We encourage the use of your strengths and resilience.
We believe that therapy attends to both “content” and “process”. Content is recognizable- the precise words or issues addressed; process refers to the nature of the therapeutic relationship which conveys the message that therapist cares, offers deep presence, and willingness to search for the answers.
Our goals for your therapy are ambitious: in addition to symptom removal and alleviation of pain, we strive to facilitate personal growth and basic character change.
Thank You For 2023!
![]() Trained ProfessionalsThanks to long-standing experience in psychology area, our specialists can provide the patient with really reliable and licensed help. There does not exist any problem that you couldn’t come with. We work with adults and children as well as couples and families that are struggling with some kind of complex issues. Our therapies are being tailored to your needs and are schedules along with your expectations. Don’t hesitate and decide for initial few sessions – our experts will surely provide you with professional psychological counseling that you need. |
![]() Compassionate StaffWe realize that it’s impossible to predict all situations that will appear on our life path. Sometimes we need to find the strength to defeat harder moments, however, if we are not able to do that – ourlicensed psychologists are here to help. We want you to believe that better tomorrow is still going to come. Our psychotherapy focuses on most important issues and aims at completely individual approach. We have a passion for helping and really enjoy seeing your progress during the course of our psychological counseling. Give a chance to restore you psychological well-being. |
![]() Flexible Appointment TimesFor you convenience, it’s you who establish the appointments schedule. We lead fast moving life and that’s why our counselors are constantly available. Furthermore, we realize that when you call the psychologist, you usually need sudden help. We want to provide you also with this kind of psychological counseling - you can come to obtain our specialist help anytime when you need it. |